Non-Verbal Communication

First impressions influence the audience's attitudes to you. How important is body language when you are communicating? Positive body language is important in getting your audience’s attention and engaging them to listen to your message. Stand up straight in a relaxed manner, smile and act calm, confident and in control. If you are looking listless or distracted then they will be listless and distracted; if you are smiling, they will be wondering why and listen to find out.

What percentage of the message do you think body language comprises of in face-to-face communication?

Multiple Choice Question


Studies have shown that 90% of face-to-face communication is non-verbal.

Apparently 60% is body language, 30% is tone of voice, and only 10% is actual verbal content.

Positive Body Language and Presentation and Bad non-verbal communication

good presentations pic bad presentation pic

The eyes are said to be the key to the soul and are therefore the first and most effective weapon in convincing the audience of your honesty, openness and confidence in the objectives of your presentation.

During the presentation you should try to enhance your rapport with the audience by establishing eye contact with each and every member of the audience as often as possible in small groups and looking towards the back in large auditoriums.